2025 Ladies' Day Information

The 2025 Day Ladies League goes out to golf every Tuesday morning (approx. 9am-10am). League starts roughly May 4th to the end of September (approx. 22 weeks of golf).

2025 Ladies' Day Registration Form (Opens Feb 10)

2025 Rates

Category 9 Holes 18 Holes
Non-EGMGCC Member Public $450 $600
Non-EGMGCC Member Ordinary $400 $575
Non-EGMGCC Member Military $350 $525
Yearly Cart Pass (per person) $200 $300

To determine what category you fall under, go to our Categories Page.

Ladies' Drop-In Fees

Drop-in is available every Wednesday (or Tuesday) morning too. Pricing is as follows:

Category 9 Holes 18 Holes
Public Drop-in Rate $40 $55
Military/Ordinary Drop-in Rate $35 $45
Single Seat Cart Rental $14 $20