EGM Memorial Project
The Edmonton Garrison Memorial Golf & Curling Club is currently looking for patrons to help us with this project. We are offering four distinct levels where you can contribute; Memorial Hole, Memorial Woods, Memorial Path, or Memorial Bench Patron. See below for more details.
If you are interested in being a part of this historic Memorial Project, please contact Matt Gawley at 780-973-3033 ext. 222 or send an email from our contact page.
Available Patron Packages
Memorial Hole Patron (Phase 1) – $60,000 (1 remaining)
Package Includes:
- (5) Five years of recognition on the brand new, custom built, brushed aluminum tee marker. EGM Hole 11 Marker Alt
- (1) One golf tournament for 144 people per year for the (5) five years.
– Includes green fees, power carts, and meal after the tournament. - (1) One bonspiel for 96 people per year for the (5) five years.
– Includes ice and equipment rental. - The use of one of the Canadian Forces messes (Officer’s, Sergeants & Warrant Officer’s, or Junior Ranks Mess) once a year for each of the (5) five years.
- A Meet & Greet with the Commander of the 3rd Canadian Division Support Group once a year for each of the (5) five years.
- Recognition on the Memorial Wall located in the EGMGCC Lounge.